About Us

2 strangers met when they were 17 and they had one thing in common that made them click– they didn’t like to go home. It didn’t take long for both to befriend each other and there they go, starting to spend long hours chatting about almost nothing(or anything) after sucky bland classes. They don’t talk about boys like most girls do at their age simply because they weren’t interested. They were however, very interested in doodling, sketching, designing etc, anything that produces beautiful stuff (marked ‘pass’ by their very own stringent standards). But they were(and still are) nonchalant and un-ambitious: They doodle (and throw) and the next day comes.

4 years and 1 day later, Panda got frustrated seeing all the mass produced-commercialized-heavily over priced-BOOootiful (her foot is more beautiful) products gaining so much popularity and sales. Why are everyone donning street wear, buying cards worth only 1/8 of the selling price and yet, (most importantly!), unhappy with all their grand purchases?

She confided to sama sama sentiment Pig and tada! Lightning! Thunder! Acidic rain! They decided to pursue what they’ve always been dreaming for – a space for their creativity to be unleashed, shared with everyone, anytwo. This is a site in its toothing stage, and they would love to see it grow with your inputs, piece of work, comments, criticisms, or even simply your viewing pleasure.

Watch it grow 😀

Yours truly,

Pig & Panda

PS. If you are reading the above, it was written in *gasp* 2006 and in awkward “teenagey” vocabulary. Pig & Panda have never stopped doodling since even as they got older and faced the harsh reality of adulthood and working life. Keep doodling everyone and yes, watch it grow 🙂

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